Monday 8 April 2013

Backwater Gospel

We watched this movie I think maybe two trimesters ago and I thought I was pretty cool. If you haven't watched it I recommend you do. I love how it draws you in and then shocks you and disgusts you at the same time. I never thought an animation could make feel fear and just grossed out.

The story definitely has a message behind it. Personally I think religion is ridiculous and I found that believing in one thing/person or whatever is just weird, If there was a god people would have to go through certain things. Anyways I find this hilarious because people follow religion well religiously haha but really I think people have been bought up to be afraid to think otherwise and go against "god" or whatever, when really we are all here to do the same thing. be born, live and die. Anyways the message I received is that fear basically ruins you and nothing going to save you from it but yourself, not a 'higher power'...
I have no Idea if that made sense..hopefully it did...

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